I was just sitting at the computer, thinking that I needed to write something on the blog – when I casually mentioned to Zoe that I was cold. (I had optimistically put on capris and a t-shirt this morning, but I don’t think it even hit 65 here.) Before I knew it, I felt something warm and soft on my arms; Zoe had gotten up from her art project and retrieved a blanket from the living room to drape over my shoulders. “Zoe, that was so sweet!” I cried out to her. “Why did you get the blanket for me?” Her simple answer: “You said you were cold – and I knew you needed something.”
And so, along with a blanket Zoe gave me material for the blog.
September 3rd, 2011 05:44
And that is something a daughter will do for you. You are lucky and blessed with two wonderful kids who obviously love you very much.
September 10th, 2011 18:04
i can’t believe how they have grown… and they are the most beautiful big sister and little sister :-)