Some thoughts from a (not-sad) mom

When I reminisce about Zoe’s early days at preschool, Avery is always included in my thoughts: Avery was just two months old when her sister started school, and she was my faithful companion during drop-offs and pick-ups. For well over a year, I’ve known that Avery would soon be at the JCC – and despite loving the school and knowing she’ll be happy there, I’ve also been saddened by the thought that my days of pushing Avery’s pink stroller up the ramp to Zoe’s classroom are forever over, that soon I’d be taking a solo walk into what would now be Avery’s classroom. And I’ve also known, of course, that there was nothing I could do to slow down time and delay that day.

That day, as it turns out, is tomorrow. And though I’d be lying if I said the thought of drop-off didn’t make me want to cry, I’m feeling better than I was just weeks ago. For one thing, I was heartened by the preschool’s “preview day” on Friday, during which Avery got to meet her teachers and explore her classroom. She soaked everything in, accepted the (many) hugs of virtual strangers and didn’t even give any dirty looks. And the best part: When Q and I asked her about school later that day, she got a huge smile on her face and actually looked proud. It made me feel excited, and less anxious, about her start.

In addition, my nostalgic-induced melancholy was recently put into perspective by a terrible loss experienced by a good friend of mine. I may be prone to feelings of weepiness over how fast my girls grow, but I’m more aware now than ever before that being able to watch them do so is a true blessing. Simply put, I have no business feeling sad over something that is actually so wonderful.

And besides, whether Avery’s riding in a pink stroller or carrying a pink lunch-box, she’ll still always be my baby.


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