End of an era
And so, it seems, Zoe’s napping days are just about behind us. It’s becoming increasingly clear over these past few weeks that Zoe is giving up her nap: She basically stopped sleeping at school, and she started telling us “I can’t sleep” when we put her down for a nap at home.
I can’t say I’m completely thrilled with the development, but I shouldn’t be too surprised (books say only half of 4-year-olds still sleep during the day) or upset (after all, we had a good long run with the nap). And the good news is that she’s still content, for now, to go to her bed and “rest” when at home, and she told me wanted to continue doing naptime at school (as in the picture below). Plus, she’s been going to bed earlier – giving me and Q some more alone time.
As long as Avery naps for another, oh, two or three years, I’ll be fine.
September 22nd, 2010 04:43
What an innocent soul. This is such a great, quiet, relaxing, makes you want to sleep too picture, and Zoe looks like an angel.
September 22nd, 2010 19:07
I’m glad her teachers took the photo. I love being able to picture her on her little sleep mat…