Avery and Daddy hit the amusement park

Our Labor Day plan to go to Great America as a family was derailed by a little bug and fever that hit Zoe on Sunday night. We briefly contemplated all staying home, but I encouraged Q – who doesn’t get tons of one-on-one time with Avery – to go the park, anyway. And so, while Zoe and I stayed home and made a fort, did craft projects and watched the movie Space Buddies, Q and Avery went on tons of rides, met Snoopy and enjoyed the sunshine.

It wasn’t fun to be apart, but it’s good for me and Q to have alone time with each of the girls. And it looks like he made the most of his time with Avery…


One Response to “Avery and Daddy hit the amusement park

  • Safta
    September 7th, 2011 08:29

    OK, I cannot stress enough how cute she is. I want to hug her right now and land on her a big huge kiss.

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