More on the terrible twos
Wednesday, March 11th, 2009We’re not completely unfamilar with temper tantrums (we commented about them just a few months ago), but Zoe has taken them to a whole new level lately. Almost daily now, she throws little fits – complete with foot stomps and major tears – over the smallest of things, and she recently started using the phrase, “no way!” when upset. (I’m not sure where she picked that up!) Monday morning, before our fun zoo adventure, she also displayed her stubbon side: after throwing a fit and being sat in her “you-sit-here-until-you’re-ready-to-say-sorry” chair, she refused to apologize for lashing out and swiping at me. For a good 20 minutes, she sat and cried and yelled “no way” when asked if she was ready to say she was sorry; both Q and I were surprised at her resistance. Finally, of course, Zoe approached me with a hug and a sniffly “Sorry, Mommy,” and all was normal again. But for a few minutes there I couldn’t help but think: what happened to my sweet baby??