Archive for the '71.Two kids-June 12' Category

Flight delayed? No problem!

Saturday, June 30th, 2012

I never mentioned here that when we came home from Madison a few weeks ago, our plane was delayed. I, of course, huffed and puffed when the airline first announced we would be leaving two hours late (luckily the delay was ultimately cut in half), but the kids were a different story. Despite the fact that they had woken up super early and sat in a car for almost two hours, they were totally unfazed by the wait. In fact, once they started playing with my iPad they were as happy as can be.

We’re flying again next week, and I need to start looking to them for inspiration during stressful travel times!



“Because I love Daddy”

Friday, June 29th, 2012

I had to be at work really early yesterday morning (to cover the Supreme Court’s ruling on healthcare), and I didn’t see the girls before I left. When I put Avery to bed last night, we talked about my absence and she told me she hadn’t been sad when she woke up and saw I wasn’t there. “How come?” I asked. “Because I love Daddy,” she responded. “Don’t you love me?” I pouted. “Oh, I like you, too,” she assured me.



Pop Pop and Avery

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

One more picture from the party weekend: Pop Pop posing with Avery before he took off for the airport.

(And a funny story: During her bath last night, Avery spotted a bar of soap and mentioned that it was Pop Pop’s. “Why didn’t he take it home?” she asked.)


Brithday party, part II

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

Here’s our second batch of party pics, with my favorite being the last. She may be three now, but she’s still my baby!

Birthday party

Monday, June 25th, 2012

Avery’s birthday party – a fairy-themed one – was yesterday, and all went well. The weather was perfect (not too hot, not too cold), the fairy we hired as entertainment seemed to be a big hit, and the girls had fun hanging out with friends (and Pop Pop!). And my favorite thing? Thanks to Uncle Dan, we literally captured hundreds of moments from the day.

Here’s our first batch of pics.


Happy Shower

Sunday, June 24th, 2012

As mentioned below, yesterday was Jenny and Dan’s baby shower. It was a family thing at a lovely park on the water, and the girls had a lot of fun – even if we didn’t sing Happy Birthday as Zoe had hoped. (“How can we sing it to him if he’s not here yet?” she asked, and I explained that we’ll just have to wait until after the baby is born.) Here are a few pics.


A visit from Pop Pop

Saturday, June 23rd, 2012

Pop Pop flew into town last night, to surprise Dan and Jenny at their baby shower today. The girls didn’t get to see him until this morning, and I woke up to voices from Avery’s room, where Zoe was excitedly filling in Pop Pop on things in her life. “My teacher is Erica,” “I love my Erica,” and “My favorite character on Star Wars is Darth Vader” were among the things I heard. And then Avery chimed in, telling Pop Pop he had to look at Zoe’s fish (a betta that we got a few weeks ago) and then showing him her new “Giggle Baby” (a birthday gift from Grandma and Grandpa). The entire interaction made me smile: The girls may not see their grandparents as much as would be ideal, but they’re still so comfortable with them. It’s clear that geographic distance doesn’t equate to emotional distance!


“Head down”

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

Another Amelia Bedelia moment this morning, only this time with Avery. “Head down, girls,” I told Zoe and Avery after they had gathered their coats and lunchboxes for camp – meaning I was ready for them to go down to the garage. Avery, though, took me literally, and I watched in amusement (and with a smile on my face) as she grabbed the railing and looked at the ground. “My head’s down, Mama,” she proudly said.


Birthday celebration, take II

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

Since Avery is three, we thought it only appropriate that she have three celebrations*: We had a celebratory picnic in Madison earlier in the month, we’re throwing her a party with friends on Sunday, and last night we partied at Chuck E. Cheese (not my favorite place in the world – but the kids love it) before hanging out with Dan and Jenny. Here are some pics.


*not really – it just turned out that way

Three-year (!!) update

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

About two-and-a-half years ago, when I wrote Zoe’s three-year update, I used words like “easy-going, “calm,” “sweet,” “funny” and “at-times bossy” to describe her. Several of those words apply to Avery now, too, though I would probably strike “easy-going” and “calm” and go with “bubbly” and “at-times naughty” instead.

So what else?

As it turns out from a quick read of Zoe’s update, Avery has many of the same likes as Zoe had at her age. She loves playing school, Mystery Reader, “family,” and “Monster.” She was on a big guitar-playing kick for awhile, and she often just dances or bounces around. (Just two nights ago she put on a little show for her sister; dancing around in her room wearing no clothes. It’s the type of thing that would be really funny to show at her wedding someday, if only I had videoed it.) She also just likes spending time with her sister – she almost always takes Zoe’s lead on what/how to play and more often than not is just happy being around her. (Do the girls ever fight? There’s a bit of “she took so-and-so from me!” but for the most part they get along really well.)

Avery loves the fact that she’s getting older, and she’s constantly telling us she’s a “big girl.” She made me laugh a few weeks ago by insisting I change the lyrics of what she calls the “Button Nose Song” (a song I made up about her), which contains the line “You’ve got two big eyes and ten little toes.” She told me, “Big toes, Mama! I have big toes.” And the truth is that she is getting awfully big – demonstrated by her physical being, the fact that she does more older-kid stuff like helping out around the house and by her talking.

Speaking of talking, readers here know the saga of her hearing and speech issues. (So much has happened since the last update – including the start of what she calls “talk class,” our subsequent discovery of her hearing problems and the surgery.) It’s been three weeks since her surgery, and Q and I are continuously amazed at how much better she’s talking and how much more we understand. And people outside of the family have commented on the noticeable difference in her personality since her surgery: She’s even more bubbly and somehow happier, people have told us. It makes sense, really: She can finally fully engage in the world around her!

As I mentioned above, Avery has a bubbly personality, and she can be wild and even a little naughty at times. She has been known to throw items across the room – sometimes in anger, and sometimes just to be playful – though she knows it’s a no-no. (Luckily, when she’s really misbehaving, she responds well to the counting-to-five tactic. By the time we get to five she has usually said sorry.) It should also be noted that she likes to tease her sister a lot. Just this morning, for example, Zoe was visibly upset when she came into our room and saw that Avery was already in our bed. (Zoe used to wake up before her sister and come snuggle with us; she doesn’t like it when Avery wakes up first and takes her spot.) “Sorry, Zoe,” Avery said in a mocking voice, “There’s no room for your pillow.”

At the same time, Avery has a soft and sweet side. She often does and says sweet things to her family – as recently written about here, here and here. And just this morning, she told me out of the blue, “Mama, I like your haircut.” She’s not as attached to me and Q as she used to be, but she does still have her moments when she wants us: It often takes a lot of hugs and kisses at school (and now camp) drop-off, for example, and she always dashes over and clings to me if I happen to be holding a friend’s child. (“My mama,” she’ll say.)

And speaking of other children, I’m not sure if it’s birth-order or innate personality – but Avery’s personality is such that it’s difficult to imagine her being anything but the younger sibling. Let’s just say - despite her saying that she’s a big girl – she very much likes being our family’s baby!

Happy Birthday, A.


On the eve of turning three…

Monday, June 18th, 2012

A little pre-birthday “interview” with Avery – featuring what might be the world’s fastest Happy Birthday song.


Terrible twos?

Monday, June 18th, 2012

Today is Avery’s last day of being two – something I couldn’t let pass without an acknowledgment of the fact. This year of a child’s life always get such a bad rap, but the truth is that I’ve really enjoyed two-year-old Avery. Kids this age share similar traits to babies - they’re cuddly, cute and soft, and they very much need their mamas - but they’re not as high-maintenance as a younger child. And they’re terribly funny and sweet: Not a day goes by that Avery doesn’t make me laugh.

I’ll never forget something an older friend told me when I was pregnant the first time: Everything happens so fast, she said, that I should just sit and stare at my baby as much as possible. It was sound advice (which I took), but there’s also something to be said about staring at and soaking in everything you can about your slightly older child, one who is on the brink of giving up all traces of baby. I try to do that with Avery, and I think I’m more successful at it than I was with Zoe. (Mostly because I’m not exhausted from caring for a newborn, too.)

With her big eyes and even bigger hair, Avery pretty much drives me crazy (in a good way) – and I think the only thing “terrible” about her “twos” is that they didn’t last longer.


Father’s Day

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! To celebrate we took our traditional trip to Great America – and the girls had a blast with their dad, both in the water and on land.


Junior Counselor

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

There’s a weekly “Shabbat Fair” at the girls’ camp, and parents were invited to the first one yesterday. I mostly ran around playing games with Avery, but I especially enjoyed watching Zoe (who was proudly sporting her “junior counselor” badge) lead games for the little kids. She’s really proud of her new role at camp – a classic older-child type, she loves and helping and playing with smaller children – and I’m so happy knowing her camp experience will be a good one.


“I know what will make you feel better”

Friday, June 15th, 2012

The other night Zoe got upset about something and started crying. “I know what will make you feel better, Zoe,” Avery told her, before giving her sister a big hug (see below) and saying, “I love you.”

It’s times like this when I think we must be doing something right!
