Archive for the '61.Two kids-August 11' Category

More about school

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

How are the girls enjoying the first week of preschool? We’ve gotten few details about what’s been happening in Zoe’s new class. But when I told her I’d be picking her up around 5 yesterday, she said, “Oh, thank you!” Instead of feeling sad that she wouldn’t be coming home earlier in the day, she was happy that she would have more time at school. So I would say she’s doing just fine.

As for Avery, each of our three drop-offs have been filled with tears. But she’s been just fine at pick-ups: happy to see me, but not in a get-me-out-of-here way. And I was heartened by the message that her teacher left for us the other day – see below.


Second day of school

Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

The scene at our house at about 8:20 this morning…


Two preschoolers!

Monday, August 29th, 2011

So, today was the big day: Avery began preschool, and Zoe entered the pre-K (“Elangarden”) program. Drop-off for Zoe was easy; her summer camp was spent in the Elangarden classroom with the Elangarden teachers, so she already felt at home. Avery, too, seemed perfectly happy when we entered her new classroom: She helped take off her coat and put her (new) lunchbox in her cubby, and she sat with me and worked on a puzzle for a few minutes. Once I told her that Mommy was going to go, though, she became concerned – eyes big, hands up so I would hold her. And by the time I said my real (and very quick) good-bye, there were tears streaming down her face. (And mine, too.)

Luckily, her tears didn’t last that long. The school secretary reported to me about 45 minutes later that she had stopped crying: They had taken her for a little walk and given her a little snack – and it was the food that ultimately dried up the tears. I haven’t heard anything since (as I type, she should just be settling down for a nap), but here’s hoping the rest of her day was a success. I’m feeling hopeful…


Some thoughts from a (not-sad) mom

Sunday, August 28th, 2011

When I reminisce about Zoe’s early days at preschool, Avery is always included in my thoughts: Avery was just two months old when her sister started school, and she was my faithful companion during drop-offs and pick-ups. For well over a year, I’ve known that Avery would soon be at the JCC – and despite loving the school and knowing she’ll be happy there, I’ve also been saddened by the thought that my days of pushing Avery’s pink stroller up the ramp to Zoe’s classroom are forever over, that soon I’d be taking a solo walk into what would now be Avery’s classroom. And I’ve also known, of course, that there was nothing I could do to slow down time and delay that day.

That day, as it turns out, is tomorrow. And though I’d be lying if I said the thought of drop-off didn’t make me want to cry, I’m feeling better than I was just weeks ago. For one thing, I was heartened by the preschool’s “preview day” on Friday, during which Avery got to meet her teachers and explore her classroom. She soaked everything in, accepted the (many) hugs of virtual strangers and didn’t even give any dirty looks. And the best part: When Q and I asked her about school later that day, she got a huge smile on her face and actually looked proud. It made me feel excited, and less anxious, about her start.

In addition, my nostalgic-induced melancholy was recently put into perspective by a terrible loss experienced by a good friend of mine. I may be prone to feelings of weepiness over how fast my girls grow, but I’m more aware now than ever before that being able to watch them do so is a true blessing. Simply put, I have no business feeling sad over something that is actually so wonderful.

And besides, whether Avery’s riding in a pink stroller or carrying a pink lunch-box, she’ll still always be my baby.


Little fish, part II

Sunday, August 28th, 2011

When we took a break from Zoe’s swiming classes at the start of the summer, her teacher gave us some good advice: At some point, get her in the pool every day for at least a week. That’s the best way for a child who has learned the basics to really blossom in the water, he said.

Not surprisingly, the instructor was correct. After just a few days in the water during our trip, Zoe’s growth as a swimmer was evident. She was already able to jump in the pool and swim underwater when we arrived (as shown in the video below), but by the last day she could tread water, do an impressive front float and swim underwater a lot farther. (Her back float is coming along, too!) I kept looking at Q and saying I couldn’t believe what I was seeing – and, as I mentioned last month, I was so happy to see that all those classes have paid off. We’re going to get her in more soon.



Saturday, August 27th, 2011

We had a little tradition during our Phoenix trip: Every night around 6 or 6:30 we headed back to the pool for a few last rides on our resort’s very cool water slide. We all loved the slide – it was short and safe enough for Avery, but fast and fun enough for the rest of us – and the only problem we encountered was on our first night, when Avery didn’t quite understand why the slide had to close at 7. She must have pointed to the stairs and said, “again” at least ten times.


Phoenix pictures

Friday, August 26th, 2011

Like our last trip to Phoenix, our trip – this one a pre-back-to-school thing – was all about relaxing and staying cool by swimming, shopping and enjoying treats like snow cones and Otter Pops (i.e. popsicles practically as tall as Avery!). I already miss the pool – and our slide – and I suspect the girls do, too.


“It’s hot”

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

“It’s hah-ott.” We heard that comment/whine from Avery numerous times over the past six days (whenever, for example, she got in her carseat), and it’s a pretty good description of our trip. It was, indeed, hot in Phoenix – and also a lot of fun, as these pictures (and more to be posted soon) show.


Little break…

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

The blog has been a a little quiet because we’re swimming and enjoying some sun. And, considering the fact that the girls and I were shivering on the (53-degree) playground the morning we left home, I think we made a smart move!


Matching monkeys

Saturday, August 20th, 2011

The girls were wearing matching shirts the other day, and I wanted to take a photo. Even after 13 takes, I didn’t get a good one – but the girls’ poses and funny faces certainly made me laugh!


Two year, two month update

Friday, August 19th, 2011

In anticipation of Avery starting at the JCC soon (!), I thought a pre-preschool update was appropriate.

As mentioned here before, Avery has very different public and home personas: She can be serious, quiet and shy in new or outside situations. (I’m really curious to see how she’ll react to her new environment in a few weeks.) She does break out of her shell at times, though: At a recent playdate with her friends Greta and Natalia, she didn’t cling to me during our time together, and she gave good-bye hugs to the girls, their moms and even Greta’s dad – which doesn’t often happen. (A breakthrough, perhaps??)

And at home, Avery remains bubbly and outgoing – often running through the house in excitement. Favorite things continue to be playing (or also running around with) her sister, pushing around a stroller, playing with and talking to her babies, and making birthday cake and other goodies in Zoe’s kitchen. She has shown a greater interest in books lately (she likes to sit and page through them, which she didn’t do a few months ago), and she has taken a recent and strong interest in the Itsy Bitsy Spider, which she sings or reads in bed. She continues to copy whatever Zoe does: Zoe, for example, recently used a bunch of animal-shaped paper plates and a pencil “pointer” to administer an eye test on me; for several days afterward, Avery would grab a plate and pointer and do an eye test of her own. (“What’s that?” she would ask, pointing to the animal’s eye or nose.)

Though for most of her life she has (thankfully!) shown no interest in TV, she recently started to enjoy Go Baby, a 5-minute show that Zoe loved when she was a toddler. “I want Baby,” she’ll say to me or Q, or she’ll ask for “monkey,” since the show begins with an introduction from Ooh and Ahh.

She has a devilish streak: often doing things (like jumping on the couch or getting down from her chair at dinner repeatedly) that she knows she’s not supposed to – and then giving us a big grin. (Let’s just say that she’s at the stage where eating out with her isn’t that fun.) She has the occasional full-on tantrum (crying, lying on the floor and kicking, etc.); she had one of her biggest ones ever just the other night. And when she gets really upset she has been known to make a roar-like sound, or even try to bite.

If Zoe is the one getting in trouble, Avery often runs up to her and starts pointing her finger and scolding her (which, of course, we tell her not to do). She has even been known to try to pry Zoe’s thumb out of her mouth, since she knows it’s not supposed to be there.

Avery still doesn’t talk as much as other kids her age, but Q and I comment that she is getting a little more verbal and easier to understand each day. And she’s still very curious: often asking things like “what happened?” and “where did Sister go?” As for her own special words, she says “torry” for sorry, “baw” for thumb, “uppo” for hippo, “bebra” for zebra (which she also causes a giraffe) and what sounds like “got-tay” for band-aid. She still calls most round fruits apples. She also loves (like most kids her age, I suppose) pointing out when things – toys, coats, etc. – are hers. And she certainly knows how to communicate without talking: When it’s time for a change, she’ll often get a diaper and wipes and lay down on the floor in front of us. (And the other night, Zoe actually started changing her. When I tried to help, Avery told me, “No, Mama!”)

Some other things: At her last appointment she was 33 pounds and 35.5 inches – the size of a 3-year-old. She’s growing into a bit of a picky eater. She doesn’t seem to like meat, but she is a big fan of fruit (any kind), waffles, cheese, peanut butter and juice. Over the past few years her bedtime has shifted from 7ish to 8 or even 9 – we often put her to bed and hear her talk, sing and read to her babies for an hour or longer! And my prediction that her bouncing days were numbered was correct; at about the two-year mark, she started squirming away from our bounces. These days she prefers that we lay on the floor next to her and sing her songs before leaving the room.

Lastly, she recently impressed me when she answered “Four” when I asked how old her sister was. (I knew she knew how old she was, but not Zoe.) And when I told her I loved her in the car one day last week, the little voice in the backseat said, “I love you, Mama.” It was the first time she said it and it is my favorite sentence of hers to date!


And a picture…

Thursday, August 18th, 2011

Tears were shed when I picked up Avery from Elena’s for the last time this afternoon – but the tears were mine, not Avery’s! Avery is off to new adventures, and she probably won’t even remember the 22 months she spent at Elena’s. But I certainly will…


Bye, bye Elena (again)

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

Avery started a new thing on our way to Elena’s recently: Whenever we turn a specific corner, about two blocks away from Elena’s, she turns to Zoe, waves and says “Bye, Sisser.” It makes both me and Zoe laugh (obviously Avery likes to plan ahead) – and it is, sadly, something that we won’t hear much longer. As I mentioned the other day, this is Avery’s last week at Elena’s.

Despite my recent resolve to *not* be sentimental or sad about this big change, I can’t help but feel emotional about leaving Elena. She has been part of our lives for the last four-and-a-half years, and it’s difficult to overstate the emotional bond that one feels with the person who cares for your children. (I was sad when Zoe left her – and that wasn’t even a final good-bye!) Plus, Avery is so happy there.

Still, I’m confident that our decision to move Avery to the JCC was the right one: Though Avery is young (seven months younger, in fact, than Zoe was when she started), the two/three-year-old class is really more like daycare than school, the teachers are fabulous and will help Avery blossom, and there are many benefits to having both girls at one place. And Elena herself made me feel better recently when I mentioned how difficult it was going to be to leave her. “Don’t be sad,” she told me. “We’re going to be friends forever.”


Thanksgiving baby

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

The other night Zoe was being particularly good, and Q told her she was special for being such a good listener. Zoe’s response? “But I thought I was special because I was born on Thanksgiving.”


And a duck…

Monday, August 15th, 2011

While Leo and the girls enjoyed their time on the rides on Saturday, Zoe practically had as much fun watching and feeding a new friend. Check out their interaction with a duck who wandered over our way.
